December 2008.
Hey darlyns. This week has been a reaaaaaaaallly stressfullllll week.! addmaths was hard. bio was hard. =( suprisingly i wasn't super emo-fied over addmaths. i was more down about bio tho. coz i read and read but couldn't do the essay section well. ahh. =( had history today. was really stressed out studying yesterday. but turns out, it wasn't that bad after all. haha. =D i'm going for AFC later. whee.! =) din go last week. =X and no tuition today! haha. teacher's on her honeymoon. OooooooOOOooOOoooooo~! x) WELL, chemistry, physics and addmaths paper 1 left to go. ALL THE BEST YOU SPM-ERS~! =)
Sometimes it gets me and i go all crazy, but when i get back down to earth, i realize there was actually nothing in the first place. We both know so.
hate all the emo posts of urs
understood la you...
duwan emo liao laaa~ XDD
hate all the emo posts of urs
understood la you...
duwan emo liao laaa~ XDD
hahaa. this one not THAT EMO la bro. =P