AYes! Today..I dunno larhs..time seemed to past as fast as it could go..Hahaha..Before i knew it..School was over...I was like..Whoa..Thats fast...Hwahaha! Anyways..Theres this particular place i lurve to go to in the morning at school..hahaha..Just cause i'm there early..And if i'm free..I'll just go up there and sit there alone untill the bell rings..lols..First of all..It's windy..it's quite..it's peaceful..And it's COLD! hahahaha..SUmtimes the SkY is reli reli beautiful! Well..Today Bro And Sis decided to join me up there..hahaha..And..Brought camera! Therefore..i shall Post Up some Pics! YaYs! hahahahhaa..
LoLs! xD! Possing! Possing!
Wad larh..Choke me..Haha..Oh! The last pic..Of Mel & Ben..i guess u can pretty much understand why i lurve tht place so much..hahaha..Oyh! Curi my fav place ah Jie And Kor! lols!
School looks peaceful in the morning yeahs?
YUp Thats It! Fights! TaKau! TaChia! Everday..Xian..hahaha..Oh yeahs..The read circle..Thats where my class is..hahaha..No idea why..fights always happens infront my class..Hwahahas! Hmm..Nice to have sibs together in the same school..Hahahas..I lurve my sibs..We're all 4 so close..Sad thing is my dear youngest brother is alone in primary school...=(
Okays larh..Enough of pictures i guess..U've seen too much! Hahahas..Aite...Take cares Y'all! Hugs!
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