Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My coach just passed away.

i cant take the blow.
memories and flash backs kept playing like a broken video tape in my head.. he was .. a really nice person.. who left too fast. He was a man well known and loved by many. he really is an important person to many. his words of encouragement to me kept echo-ing.. he was always there helping us out without asking for a single penny.. the basketball match.. practises.. yum chas.. it all kept flashing back.. i'll never forget the last yum cha we had together.. when the stupid guard didn't let us go in for practise.. and it started to rain heavily.. he belanja-ed us.. and reminded us to set our priorities right in life.. and encouraged us to never giv up in basketball till we reach our goal.. his words.. "Uncle wong will be there for you, i'll train u girls till you dont need me anymore. =)" we still need you............. why did u have to leave us so fast?

Where'd you go? ='(
he was always there encouraging me..
nvr to giv up no matter how hard it could be..
i miss him.. so much..

i know.. its not in our power..
to decide when a person leaves or stays..
its not in our hands or ours to decide..
its life.. yeah.. i know that.. we gotta accept things..
as it comes and go.. but at the moment..

i'm in shock. i'm really...

pray for his 16 year old daughter and wife.

Rest in peace..
uncle wong.
we'll never forget you..
or what you've done.
you'd always be remembered in our hearts.

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