It's 2am and i'm still concious?
xD.. Today work full day wei..
Phewh. my legs were .. uniquely pain today..
Hmmmsh.. after i finished work.. as i was walking..
walking my way to my dads car which is ALL the way.. one the other side...of Tebrau City..
My left leg was hurting like #@$! actually my toes felt as if they were broken..=.=
dunno why.. weird.. hmmshh..
ANYWAYS.. Conclusion for the day.
It was yesh.. superbly uniquely tiring today..
Hehs.. tmr i off again! or rather i should say i'm off today..
hehs.. and the following day i'm FULL AGAIN....=.=
Hehe..FINALLY got to camwhore at work today..
Which was of course illegal to do..
But some rules are meant to be broken. =P

Hehe? Erm.. Quiksilver ask me to advertise for them one. =P *whistles*

My superbly sexay fwend. =) SITI! she bought the cap for me. ^^
=D! Fitting room. =P

Waaahhh.. Celine nvr see surfing board before. =P! hahahaa..
Good Mornin. =)
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