Sunday, May 29, 2011


hello! hahaa.. guess wht?!
i just found out that one of my blog readers who doesn't know me but follows my blog actually saw me in real life! and i just found out.. SORRY!

coz i was typing my blog url in.. and suddenly it went to google.. and i saw this..

michminael said...

Hi Celine

In fact u don't know who i am. I was coincidentally clicking a link of your blog when I was searching some songs. I like to read your blog and view your photos which uploaded from time to time.

Since my last message, i didn't expect I could see you standing in front of me this evening, the world is pretty small, heh.. you were wearing red color shirt. No, in fact i saw your 2 little brothers first, they were flying a kite with another girl wearing white color singlet, then I start probing u, there i saw u finally were taking photos with your frens, u rili like to take photos.


Friday, May 27, 2011

The War has begun!


yesss! the war has begun! i had my first paper today. AND CONTRACT LAW IS OVARRRR BABYYY! OVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!

I would say it was quite alright. Just that,
problem questions were always easy, but this time round, all the problem questions were so difficult! and tricky! its like.. i planned to do 2 problem and 1 essay questions. i ended up doing  2 essay questions and 1 problem.

all the problem questions weren't about one chapter alone.
it was mixed and it was so tricky up to the point where i couldn't even decide which chapters the questions were about! its usually one chapter one question. this time round it was likee.. they phrased the question in a way to confuse you and ohh boyyy they totally succeeded in doing so. anyways im just happy i managed to finish all my questions and didn't leave any of it hanging. i tried my best. and i studied hard.

i'll leave the rest in the hands of God. =)
Lean not on your own understanding, and the trust the Lord your God with all Your Heart.

and thats just what im gonna do.

i've 4 more papers left to Go!
Business. Econs 3 & 4 and Tort.
Please continue to keep me in your prayers!
i would really appreciate that. =)


Saturday, May 21, 2011

21st May 2011.

haha somehow, i feel like today is a day to remember. =P

lets see.


i walked straight into a transparent glass door in college.
and the minute BAM! i went..

WHOA! Didn't see that.....

Hahah..yes. i went from LOUD.. to soft.

ahhh so embarrassing! and there were people there. and it ws SO quiet. and i said tht so loudly. LOL.  aiyahhh celine ah celine.. tsk tsk tsk.. xD

so now i know how it feels like when someone bangs into a wall or smth.  OUCH.! K. haha.pain ah. T.T

and also, for the first time in my life, i drove in a super duper heavy rain condition till i could barely see what was infront of me. O.O Thank God i got home safely. =) the lightnings were scary like crazy!

and and andddddddddddddd~~~! I FINALLY GOT TO BUY MYSELF A MP3 PLAYER! =D i worked for it during the Mum and Baby fair i worked at recently. will tell u more soon. =) and yes i chose BLUE! =D see see! that walkman sign is purpleeee! =D =D =D it looks much nicer in real life. =) its a basic one and got it at a price cheaper than i thought! or hoped for. haha.. YAY. =D and i got the 4GB one. cool. =) been using my phone to play music and the batt runs out like water. aihhs.. i kinda miss my purple ipod nano.. :( got stolen last year when i got robbed. but ahh wells.. i have this now. =) COOL.

so yup! thts all for nw.. some of the few things tht happened today.


see. i didn't forget and i mentioned ur name in my blog. =D haha.

5 days left till my first paper. TIME IS FLYING.
every second counts. SO GOODBYE!

i'll be sitting for my CONTRACT LAW PAPER on friday, 27th.

thx a bunch!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


study prep has been alright so far.. just really hope i can do well and push up my grade to get straights.


i thought i was immune.
but it still stings.

owhhh well.. :( nth i can do about it anyways.
but then sometimes, u never stop wondering why.

what a pity. what a shame.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm better.

I just had to talk to someone i look up to about this.
I'm better now.

Not as confused. or doubtful.
i failed to remember that going to church isn't a routine.
whats most important is that i'm still right with God.
I still have God in my heart and in my mind.
that i would go. its not that i dont want to.
that i must rmb why i'm going to church.

That its inside that matters most and not my outside acts.
someone can go to church every single day but if He/She doesnt have that relationship with God.. but do it coz it always have been a routine to go church on a Sunday, then whats the point?

i am upset about how i've not been setting aside time for God.
but i will try my best to set things right now that i've come to realization.

i just sometimes feel so frustrated when.. when.. i mean like,
Whats the point of studying so hard and aiming so high till you forget how to live life and start to neglect the things that matter more?

Haihs. isn't it true?
i know studies are still important but if you study till that extent? whats the point?

Anyways about my frustration in my previous entry.
someone told me that theres no right or wrong.
what matters most is that i know where i stand in my faith.

but of course if i can go church i definitely will. but exams are just so close.. missing one revision class, its quite important to me.

sighs. but its a dilemma alright.
anyways, just wanna make sure you guys know that i'm better.
so dont worry so much.
but do pray for me if you can?

that i'll not forget whats most / more important in Life..during my busy periods of preparation for my finals. And that i'll not forget that God should be the center of my Life. i'll have better time management, able to get back on track and set more time aside for God.

Thanks alot guys.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

12 Days.

i've been put in dilemmas recently.
we've been having revision classes on both saturdays and sundays.
Which means, i've to make a choice whether to go to church or to class.
i dont have classes anymore. and revisions are only held on saturdays and sundays.
and it really helps me alot.

but i feel bad for not going to church either.
and just now, i just posted a status abt missing church again.
and my coll mates said its a choice and one of my coll mate is going to church.
and it is true. i do have a choice.

but its so hard to choose.
i know some of you may go like, do u even need to think about it? Heh.
but i actually am thinking abt it.

sighs. u know, i've been so busy with studies lately tht i've nt been consistent in doing my bible bytes.

and u know, the question comes in where..

Oh.. so u pray to God when u want to get good results and score well for exams.
but on sundays when u have to choose btwn Him and studies u chose studies?

recently i posted up a reminder to all exam candidates that there is more to life than studies.
are my studies taking up the greater portion in my Life now?
i know it is not fair to say, GOD! i know i know i shouldn't miss church but just help me thru my exams and i'll definitely come to church after my exams coz no more revision class.

goodness. listen to urself. sighs................
i cant believe that i got so into studying that i am even willing to compromise my time for God.

God is no hotel lounge for you to visit as and when u need Him?
U dont only go to Him when u need Him and chuck Him aside when ur busy?
Its a relationship that u have with God and would YOU like to be treated this way?
Surely not?

argggghhhh celine yap kah may! what has gotten into you?!


ur like putting Him on hold and say, Wait ah wait ah.. soon! its gonna be over and i'll be back! WHAT? what if He did tht to you?

dont talk abt God. even human to human. I personally dont like 'friends' who come to you only when u need them.

unbelievable celine. sighs.

whats gotten into you.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

14 Days.

14 days left till the 27th of May.

i've been struggling to finish up my business revision so tht i can move on to contract and tort.
time is just never enough, but yet again, i cant wait for exams to be done with.
Sorry i've not been blogging for quite a while!
i've been really busy with my exam preparations.
i wake up, mayb i'd check my FB for a lil while..
and then its just books books books the whole day.

white paper with printed black ink can make someone so stressed up.
this wasn't the case.

The way the world has revolved aye?

but yes! i'm actually already thinking of all the things i want to do after exams! heee.=D super typical huh? hahaha.. but yeah.. i'm really kan-ciong-fied atm and i'm just really trying to do the best i can with the time i have left. i feel so unprepared. but i'm just gonna do my best and do what i can.

Business is so interesting when ur learning it.
but when it comes to exams, i wished i never took up business.  Sighs.
its a workload and i always feel so demotivated when i'm preparing for a business exam.
seriously. i start to doubt my capabilities and start wondering if i can handle a Law degree.

i felt the exact same way last year during my AS exams.
but i got through AS, i can get through A2.

Coz With God, All things are possible.
and i believe that He will never give  me something that i cannot handle.

During my stressing, i'm blinded to the lesson, that could be a blessing.

Ale ale ale .!


Sunday, May 01, 2011

I Wanna Be Like Cliff Young.

A 61 year old Farmer who won the World's Toughest Race.

He was competing against state runners and strong athletes from all over the world. Fit and strong as they are, He confidently knew and believed that he finish this race. Everyone laughed at him and thought he was crazy as he was the odd one out. Nobody believed he could finish this 500 Miles race from Melbourne to Sydney. Some were even worried he might die trying. People were like, "well, let him have his fun" and others just laughed at his so called "stupid believe" at that time.

He was a 61 year old man who had never ran a race till this 500 miles marathon which would take 5 days to complete.

The press and other athletes became curious and questioned Cliff. They told him, "You're crazy, there's no way you can finish this race." To which he replied, "Yes I can. See, I grew up on a farm where we couldn't afford horses or tractors, and the whole time I was growing up, whenever the storms would roll in, I'd have to go out and round up the sheep. We had 2,000 sheep on 2,000 acres. Sometimes I would have to run those sheep for two or three days. It took a long time, but I'd always catch them. I believe I can run this race."
And indeed, He did. IN FACT, HE CAME IN  FIRST PLACE! A man who everyone doubted ended up outrunning the rest of the Pros who were there and who doubted and had a laugh at Him.

Read this,

and tell me  Cliff Young isn't inspiring.

He inspired me SO much.. Not only did he win the race everyone said was impossible, he also didn't know there was a 10 thousand dollars prize money. and he didn't run for the money and guess what? being so humble, he divided tht 10 thousand to 5 other runners who were there, giving them 2000 each.

In life, people will come around telling you that it is not possible. it is impossible.
But i dare you to say ImPossible because then.. that would mean..



Less than a month left till finals!
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming