=DDDD!!! I'm feeling soooooo much better now! ^^ all thanks to this two people! hwahhahahaha!

Wheeeeeeee~! Thank you shooooo muchhh! =) i was so friggin down just now.. and i felt like going yum cha.. but after a while.. i suddenly dun feel like going yum cha d.. but ah sun jie force me to get my butt off the chair and away from the com.. hahaha.. awww man.. i'm so happy she forced me. =) First we went to the mamak near my house.. then suddenly i asked my aunt about a place called "Naili's" its a nicesh nicesh restaurant in Sentul. I showed Joanne the pictures of it yesterday.. My aunt took me there before but that was like dunno how many YEARS AGO! so suddenly i was like.. "Hey, lets go there sometime soon. =) " suddenly she said..
Okay. lets go later. i'm like O.o????

I know she said lets go later just to cheer me up.. Awwwww.. right right? Hahaha.. =D So yup! she drove us ALL THE WAY there..
i was like soooooo Happy k.. hahax...
i've not been there since like AGES! xD was so nice to be back there again.. =D the setting there is just superbbbb! so cosy.. and romantic.. and awwwww.. =) totally gave me da mood.. =P
i was like.. YESSSSSH! :D

Haha.. ANYWAYS right..
bout what we ordered. hehehe...
i ordered a drink called "Mermaid" lawlll...
Its a combination of strawberry, whip crem,ice-cream and i so totally forgot what else.. xDD it was sho nice! especially the whip cream!!! *melts* hahahahaha.. ^^

Chan wan kor's mango sumthing.. x)
Some ikan bilis with flour thingy.. hahaa forgot the name. =P

A glimpse of the place. not so good shots though. =/
took the pics with my phone.. so yeah.. u can tell.. lol.. the quality is kinda bad.. but hey! actually my phone not bad one weih.. =P u see the pics in the previous entry also taken with my phone but its like super clear. =P Depends on the lighting i guess. =P
Yesh. I can sleep now. =P
And wheeeee~! tmr finally gonna get to see Daniel,Eunice,Joseph,Erin they all.. =D beeen superrrr long since i last saw them. =)
Daniel picking me up. bwahahhahahaha!
Gd niteeee! or rather Gd Mornin i shud say. =P
Thank you for the wonderful night out Ah Sun Jie and Chan wan kor. =)
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