Monday, September 22, 2008

Nvr rush. =.=

My monday was such a so so.
x) i was so dead in school today. Lack of sleep!
i was practically a zombie in school today.. hehs..
So was chi wing. xDDD
Wht weih.. i was just talking to them ..
but without energy and all and i made them laugh till they cried. =.=
Lawl. powder-full la me. hahahahaa..

Then today hse no water. Zz..
But i DID managed to bathe. =P

and ahhhhhhhhh.. bout my title for todays entry.
I was rushing to go downstairs just now..
Coz grandma was calling me like crazy..
So i .. being a hero decided to skip a few steps and jump down..
usually i skip a FEW steps..
but just now my few steps became 'few' steps. xD
Skipped to much steps, thus resulting in High pressure..
done to my knees when i landed. T_T.
yesh. i think i injured my left knee.
i hurt everytime i take a step. X.X
i hope tmr it sorta recover or smth. =/

i wanna poop!!!!!! x)
but i dunno whether got enough water left for me to poop.
sounds so pathetic weih.

today i realize how important water is. x)
SO, Jgn bazirkan air!

zomg i really needa poop la. .=.=.
today i learn to appreciate water more. Hahaha..
Gd nite. =)
teee heex~!

1 comment:

  1. go my blog..
    c d newest article
    at d last ...
