Haha.. =) Me and ben reached sunway at arnd 5.30pm..
We were suppose to meet her at 5pm.. =/
Sowie karyn!! =X
Sho anyways! we went to starbucks after meeting up. =D

Awwws. =) Sho shweet. hahas. =P

They ordering! =P

Karyn's and Benson's. =D


Mine's red! Her's Green! =D

She was showing Ben a Paramore song. xD Thts when i realized tht we actually have the same HP! =D hahahaa.. kewl kewl.. =P
We practically Jalan-ed here and there.. + Window shopping most of the time.. hahas.. =P we went to catch-up and a few other random shops.

hahas. i MUST get one shirt from catch-up one day. xD their shirts are like so cool yet simple. nyahahahaa.. me like. =D

Bwahahaha. DOnt u just LOVE the toilet?! =P

Hahahahahah! Karyn was dryin her hands..

And her HAIR?!!! xDDD

She loves to feel the wind going through her hair. hahaha.. =)

BIG BIG MIRRORS! =D *dont u just love em?!* ^^

U tengok.. she have to like bend her leg so much just to sama height with me. =(

BOOTAYY! hahah. *psssssst* x)!

the tall-ness! ZOMG! xD

Awwww.. hahaa..


Poor ben. he was like waiting for us.. for so LONG. =P

This was wht he was taking. hahaa..

Benson's photo taking skills. xD we were lookin at the directory. =)
We headed to Wendy's to makan after that. ^^
My first time eating there.. hahas.. and guess wht!
Their food is niceeeeessshhhh! ^^ Two thumbs up! =D
My first time eating there.. hahas.. and guess wht!
Their food is niceeeeessshhhh! ^^ Two thumbs up! =D

yummy but fattening. T_T

its goooooood. =D

Haha. candid-ness. Benson kept snapping like crazie. xD

we look emo here. =.=

i look zuuuper tired. hahahaa..

LOL. we look funnay. xD

Yum yum yum.!

Then i had ice-cream! =)

awkward smile. xD


Shoeees..see! the green and red shoe so nice. =) heheh..

We were looking for FOREVER 21! haha..

Check out my eyelashes. Nyahahahahaa.. =P looking at directory. haha..

we seriously took FOREVER to look for FOREVER 21. =.=
So when we reached there..
We window shopped and all..
Their clothes are so niceeeee! And and i just love the store. =D
Its so pwetty! filled with pwetty stuffs! hahaa.. ^^
And suddenly we saw sumthin obscene. xD
We were behind the dummy.. benson looked up and was like UGH?! O.o?!

ROFL! lmao lmao lmao. haha..
We window shopped and all..
Their clothes are so niceeeee! And and i just love the store. =D
Its so pwetty! filled with pwetty stuffs! hahaa.. ^^
And suddenly we saw sumthin obscene. xD
We were behind the dummy.. benson looked up and was like UGH?! O.o?!

ROFL! lmao lmao lmao. haha..
Karyn loves hairbands. =D
Benson doesnt look like benson in this picture. lol. =.= he looks... weird...... =.=
Karyn mind reading. xDDDD
Ahh.. its abt time we took better pictures. =P
Karyn still deciding whether to buy or to not. =P SHe bought it in the end anyways. =D
Actually i'm nt that short. hahahaa.. he's just tall. =D
=) we finally have nicer pictures together. hahahaa.. ^^
Aw i like this picture. the background is just so white. =D
After this picture..
we suddenly saw Kelly/kellie in forever 21 too!
Hahaha.. She was with her friend..
xD i was like.. "Hi.. i'm celine.=D" and she was like..
: i know. then benson went.. "Hey.. i'm benson"
and she went : I know. xDDDDD
Din really meet her b4 tho.
Saw but.. nt meet. haha. i think. xD
We walked around in popular and did stupid stuffs..
hahahaha..and Karyn dared me and ben to do something..
and u know how Popular is like.. so quiet rite?
hahahaha.. we were like laughing so loud! xD
We hung out till Sunway Pyramid closed. =P

It was a nicesh day out. =)
we suddenly saw Kelly/kellie in forever 21 too!
Hahaha.. She was with her friend..
xD i was like.. "Hi.. i'm celine.=D" and she was like..
: i know. then benson went.. "Hey.. i'm benson"
and she went : I know. xDDDDD
Din really meet her b4 tho.
Saw but.. nt meet. haha. i think. xD
We walked around in popular and did stupid stuffs..
hahahaha..and Karyn dared me and ben to do something..
and u know how Popular is like.. so quiet rite?
hahahaha.. we were like laughing so loud! xD
We hung out till Sunway Pyramid closed. =P

It was a nicesh day out. =)
Dreamy oh dreamy! i'm waiting for OUR day out. =) ♥
Hope u liked my prezzie! haha.. and hope it was a boost 4 ur SPM!
Jia you my darlyn! *HUGS*!!
Hope u liked my prezzie! haha.. and hope it was a boost 4 ur SPM!
Jia you my darlyn! *HUGS*!!
[Dancey sayang Dolly & Dreamy Banyak-banyak. =) ]
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