hahaha.. lemme just blog abt the 10th and 11th. =)
BUT BEFORE i blog about the 10th and 11th..
Yupsh! its her birthday today! hahaha.. =)
Right After mine.. :)
Me official God Sister through Baptism. haha.. =)
On the 10th.. i went to chc to see their musical aka..
"Dance My Love." =)
Steven fetched me.. ^^ thx steven.. hehes..
On the way there..

We got stuck in a REALLY REALLY bad jam!
so after like half an hour.. we cannot tahan d..
coz we dun wanna be late.. so steven's sister..
Suggested to take another way.. ^^
and we reached there in time.. BUT..
there were ALOT ALOT of people.. like seriously..
ALOT. that we had to que up.. and the que went all..
the way till the road. x) but yeah.. we manage to go in!..
so we din have to sit outside and watch the tv instead. =)

Took some videos but.. i think i'll upload em..
some other time. =P
on the 11th of october!! =)
Started the day with tuition.. =/

And after tuition.. Chan Wan kor fetched me to Mid Valley. =)
thank u chan wan kor! ^^
AND YESH! I FINALLY got to meet up with my..
DARLYN COUZIE!! ^^ wheeeee~!
EVERYONE! Meet... *drumrolls*
The minute we reached there..We went to the movies and bought a ticket for
The bimbo show. x) aiyaiyai.. hahas..
we bought the 5pm show.. So in the meantime!
We head off to makan!
Coz we're sorta celebrating our birthday tht day..
So we decided to eat sumthing different. =)
So we went to AMULETO. =) The environment was really nice.. =) Fine Dining punya style. hehs.. and the music they were playing.. =.= semua saya punya mak dan ayah punya masa punya lagu. xD
Water. x)
SUPER BIG PLATE.. with small portion of pasta. =.= *H e r s * =D
And M i n e! Fish Fillet Baked Rice. =D
it took me idunnohowlong to finish the thing man. hahas.. It was nicesh. =)
but u noe.. cheese.. plus rice.. plus fish.. makes u full really really fast. =P
So i had to like.. makan.. then rest a while.. then makan... so while resting... Nyahahahahhahaha.. =D
Haha.. This picture is sho cute. =P no? hehe..

Rawr! xD


And finally after all that resting..

i took my last bites and we headed to the movies! =)
the movie was.... Okaaay la..
Funny and silly + stupid. xD
After tht i went to look for a prezzie..
for my japanese partner tht will be comin on the 21st.
then we went to THE GARDEN to jalan jalan..
the stuff there are so ex. =/
BUT! i loveeeeeeee the enviroment there..
and the shiny... shiny walls.. =P mwahahahaha...

Then we went to one of the fitting rooms..
Nyahahahaha.. u should've guess wht comes next .. =P
BTW! Their fitting rooms are like Uber big!
I shooo loveee the fitting rooms there.. =D
Its so big tht i think 4 people can change at the same time.. =P

Then her dad called..
And it was time to leave the oh-so-wonderful fittin room. x)

=( haha.. =P
On the way out .. =D

Outside.. and then her dad came.. =D
Unlce fetched me home. =D
thaaaaank u unclee! ^^
So yup.. reached home and i was like..
SHOOOOOOOOO TIRED! whole day out. haha..
BUT.. obviously i wouldn't be sleeping early..
Coz in the next few hours it would be..
the 12th of October!!! =D
Shoo.. mandi-ed..

Messy hair. hahaa.. After mandi-ing..
and OH YA! i received a prezzie from my couzie.. =D

Tadaaaaaaa~! Thank u sho much darlyn.
Me lovey it. =D
I shall Blog about 12th october in my next post. =P
PS: Darlyn couz i had a super nicesh time. =D xoxo
"Time is..Too slow for those who Wait,
Too swift for those who Fear,
Too long for those who Grieve,
Too short for those who Rejoice,
But for those who Love...
Time is not."
-Henry Vandyke-
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